Friday, September 30, 2011

School closing.

there is a lot of interesting issue in town this past few weeks over school closures that needed to happen. As much as I thought I would like to stay out of such issues on this blog, *sigh* I just can't do it.. LOL However finding the words to properly express what is going on is sometimes hard. I know those on all sides of it and  think that the hateful things being said is ungraceful, irresponsible, and immature. Not the type of legacy you really want to leave for any school that you "Love". But ultimately this is what is going to happen. People are going to reflect back and say, "do you remember when the students from the school were (add in inappropriate action here)" instead of "Wow what a show a grace and respect that PCVS had when they closed. those are people we want running our community." This decision I'm sure was hard for the board to make and we need to respect that we do not have al the information they have as a board to make the decision. If you want to be apart of the decission. run for office. Or I am by no means against everyone putting their wallets where their mouths are and turn it into a private school. I think this following Copy/paste from a friend on Facebook is a great way of expressing what needs to be said much better then I can. And yes! I have her full permission and consent to post this. I didn't post her last name, cause I don't even post mine. If she wants to identify herself fully in the comments she is invited to do so..

This is not the popular opinion but its my page so I am entitled to post what I want here... you too are entitled to your opinion on YOUR page.. this is not meant to incite a heated debate ... i am just sick of the whole thing and want to vent...
Peterborough does NOT "NEED" PCVS. Peterborough NEEDS good quality education for its children. It needs good facilities that are well temperature controlled, clean, spacious and safe. It needs wonderful teachers, who love their jobs and work hard each day (our schools are already full of these people)...
It needs schools where children will learn the arts, history, cooking, tech, horticulture, responsibility, integrity, independence and many many other things...

There are going to be arguments for EVERY school. When it was TAS, the TAS people were in an uproar, now that it's PCVS their people are in an uproar.....
I could come up with a huge list FOR and AGAINST every school on the list ...

It comes down to a few things:
~this decision is not about sentiment - it is about what is best for our students and their future. The board is not responsible for enrollment being down, but they do have to make a tough choice...
~ there are going to be arguments made and people unhappy no matter what school is closed. It is shameful that people are pitting schools against each other or deleting friends who are not in agreement... come on people we are all adults here... we all know life is not fair... this is inevitable...

I am not a writer nor am I nearly as eloquent as some of my friends on here.. but I am so tired of listening to people bash each other and the board...We need some POSITIVE ideas and solutions - not arguments that you don't want your child on a bus or you went there so it is the best...
If you want to fix issues with the school system I can give you millions of other areas to look at... this one is wasting valuable time and resources....

Thanks Jennifer. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Creativity theft. the bitter truth.

As many know, although I've been much too obsessed with food lately, I am also a seamstress. I sew and make for sale Diapers, Mainly Fattycakes, From the Fatty cake pattern, and crochet Diaper soakers from the patterns by Crazy Hat Lady, Momma cloth from La Fluer Rouge, and I am also a  Platinum Diddo Daddy seamstress. I have gained permission from and in two of the cases paid for rights to sew from and sell items from these wonderful ladies creations, and to use their pattern names in my sales.
I also belong to a wonderful group of talented ladies call the Diaper Sewing Diva's. We are a group 2,000+ strong who gather online to support each other in our sewing, and homelife endeavours.

If you have ever bothered to read the policies page off my personal website, which deals with all three of my business endeavours. (Hairstyling, amway IBO and Sewing with Crazy At Home) I have a small blurb on there about ethics in the WAHM world. There is a very fine line in this issue, as some of the goings on are not illegal. Just not right. Unethical and immoral by mosts standards. And also not going to gain you any respect in the WAHM world. Truthfully, several of these practices (sewing and selling from a pattern you don't have permission to whether you use the trademark name or not, trying to trademark something that  everyone does anyways ETC.) will  get you a big black mark in WAHM circles and will stop everyone from selling to you.

Another issue that creeps up time and time again is theft and reselling of an actually pattern as your very own. This act is completely illegal. It has unfortunately as recently as this past week happened yet again.

A bit of background first.
The woman who created the fabulous diapering board where we all gather is also the creator of the Fattycakes pattern and several other patterns for home sewing use. She spends hours of her time creating these patterns and then sells them to help support her family. Like all of us in the WAH world this takes time away from our families and home just like any other job. We all do it to help bring in an income to give towards our monthly family budgets, however big or small that amount. This was made all that more important for the family when her husband a Military man was diagnosed with cancer and when an auction was began to raise money to help them with medical bills, they in turn donated a portion of the money back to help other families facing unseen and unimaginable circumstances. This just goes to show you how stand up of a family this is.

Recently a sewing blogger (etsy store is MomOfAMarine) purchased the passport wallet pattern From Birdiful Stitches. The next day this very same blogger, started blogging about the beginnings of a passport wallet pattern that she was creating. and then shortly after released a pattern for sale, that is by most regards the exact same as the pattern that was purchased from Birdiful Stitches. To help prove or disprove her concerns, the woman who owns Birdiful Stitches in turn, purchased the pattern that this other blogger released. It is, right from the dimensions of pattern pieces, all the way down to the strikingly similar "Thank You for your purchase" E-Mail, the same pattern. when confronted with this evidence, the woman denied the copy cat, then turned around and wrote on her blog how she was the one being victimized. Really Lady? give your head a shake.

This woman not only stole hours of someone else's work, But is also stealing from her every time someone purchases this pattern, those hours all over again. she is also proving how unethical she is and acting in an illegal manner. It makes you wonder how many of the rest of her patterns and items have been acquired in such a way. I have yet to visit this blog and Etsy site. And refuse to do so to not encourage the behavior. I will admit that I have taken my opinion of this from several people that I see as stand up, honest, and full of integrity and that is good enough for me. I certainly do not want to increase her hits by any means. I do realize that by posting the store name I may be encouraging visits to her site, but I am also hoping, by doing so I will help to out this activity and make you think twice before visiting this site and making a purchase, should you happen to come across it in your online shopping travels.