Monday, October 1, 2012


So. My kids like lots if others are hooked on a certain brand of Mac n' chews that comes out if a box. My oldest is lactose intolerant and I am trying to limit their consumption of meats and dairy. So today they wanted it. I made the "Mac" and then realized we had no milk made, and we were out I'd almond milk. Being the lazy momma I am, not wanting to make any. And thinking about the fact that get are eating, and I am feeding to them this crap, again, I added 1/2 a cup of apple sauce. ( one apple sauce cup really) unsweetened. And 1/4C of water. They lived it. I know my kids are low on their daily veggie count so hey. What a great cheat to get them to eat a bit more!! Some says I'm freaking brilliant! I think I could get away with a bit more in there too, but trying to ease them into it. ;)