Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Well, it is nice to be back to the schedule... almost.

We have been kind of slacking in the "formal" schooling department the last week. To be honest, I've been pretty busy with work. And trying to set myself up for some christmas bonuses. Since I work primarily from home, it takes up some of that time. To be honest, the kids have all been getting up in the morning and finding something nice to do together. I really hate to break that up, cause lets face it, it's not always easy to get along with your siblings.

Thanksgiving dinner was, interesting. We went to my sisters. There were way more people there then we had J.T. ready for. He really needs up front warning before we go somewhere that is busy or crowded. He was not impressed and nearly in tears when we got there. My fault, I should have asked. But since we were also bringing food, I guess i would have been told if there were going to be more people then we were used to having. I also ASSumed that everyone in the family was aware of the fact J.T. needed to be told ahead of time what we were getting into. I forget that my sister doesn't really know my kids as well as I think sometimes. After about an hour of him being upset, Todd carried him into the yard where the rest of the kids were and stayed with them until he was comfortable with the kids and then he was alright for the rest of the afternoon.

I spent Thanksgiving monday cleaning out the boy bedroom. Very excited I found A.J.'s second pair of glasses under a bed. Nothing like finding $100!!
The boys and I took M.J. outside that evening to do her first "stars on a stick" This would be what we call sparklers. She seemed to love them, but more so when I was holding them. Fair enough not every day you ask your kids to hold a sparking stick of metal!

I hope all of those who celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend enjoyed it! chat at ya soon!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


It's here! Fall is most certainly in the air. the poor monsters are so confused on what to wear in the morning. one day it's pants, long sleeves and a sweater, next it's shorts and t-shirts!!

Today I was called in to work at the school for an hour. With no child care the monster all had to come.  It wasn't so bad for just an hour. M.J. Just cried at anyone who looked at her. The boys all sat in the back classroom and watched a movie on the ipad and played video games. M.J. half way through was pretty happy to be wrapped up onto my back and pretended she was tired. It's nice to work somewhere where bringing the kids to for an hour-ish is not a big deal.

Of course after lunch she did decide it was nap time.

School work got pretty much put to the side today. But the all three of the boys have been doing good and are really starting to work on focusing a bit more. Hoping that sticks. J.T. and A.J. know that not getting all the work done during the week means no sleep over at Nana and Papa's ... so that is a big motivator. ;)
We made some work envelopes yesterday. nice and small, so they will be easy to take along for reading practice. IF we ever remember to grab them on the way out the door!

Halloween costumes are on their way to being done. I put a quick hold to do some sewing for the boy's Scouting group. But should get back to it this weekend. They are all going to be Star Wars characters. I'm sure DH bribed them into that one. yeesh!! I've never even seen the movies. (i know throw the tomatoes at me now!) But I know more about them then I'd ever want to know. (ouch! that one hurt. )
Todd is pretty sure if I just sat down to watch them I would at least have a mild interest... well, I'll let you know how that goes. My parents, being the awesome dedicated Grandparents they are went out and bought the series so they would have a clue what my kids are talking about. (oh.. did I mention my not yet 2yo HUMS THE THEME SONG!!!)

Have you seen the movies? What do you think about them??